Saturday, January 10, 2009

January Watercolor -- Sketch a soda can

I definitely need more practice with watercolors! Had some trouble with bleeding paint. I also need to work on mixing colors to get better matches. I am most pleased with the shadow and the spilled lemonade. I might try this one again.


  1. I think the best tip I have is 'experiment'. if you spend a month just doing watercolours, you will learn a lot. Read as many books about them as you can, maybe invest in one of the colour guides- and learn placement of shadows ON the object itself. It helps make it MORE 3d :)
    Otherwise I'd say you did really well- and that you can looks good!

  2. This is quite charming. I suspect you want something more realistic, and want suggestions toward that end. As an illustrated journal entry I'd say you have done really well. If you want more realist you need to consider shading and highlights to give your can and the spillage shape. But really, what you have is charming. Just keep painting and recording what you learn along the way.

  3. This is lovely. Book suggestion: For watercolor basics (transparency, mixing of various pigments, water-paint ratio control, etc) I highly recommend Jim Kosvanec's "Transparent Watercolor Wheel" video or book (I ordered mine from Cheap Joe's online). It is really helpful.

  4. Thank you all for the feedback! I have ordered the book already:)
